He is particularly interested in questions relating to the Anthropocene and the concept of Entropy. Giving an essential place to the materials used, he creates to meticulous heterogeneous assemblages, generating hybrid and dynamic forms where mineral and vegetal elements and artefacts or scraps of human technology cohabit. These works, like coloured micro-landscapes, echo laboratory biological culture devices or small pre-biotic matrices. Spaces of cultivation where the porous and contaminating character of evolutionary processes would give rise to new bifurcations, new forms, new paths...
Théo Massoulier (°1983, France) lives and works in Lyon. He graduated from ENSBA Lyon in 2016 and presented his work at the Lyon Biennale in 2019 and at the Venice Biennale in 2017. In 2021, his solo exhibition Planktôs at the Quinconces du Mans was accompanied by a publication.