A tireless walker, he criss-crosses his region in search of underground spaces. With a metal detector he looks for artefacts from the Gallo-Roman period, the Middle Ages, the Second World War or from much more recent times. He sees the earth as the repository of buried knowledge. The objects and underground spaces bear the scars of time and encourage fiction by being placed in a new context. He never stops searching the countryside. To find what? He doesn’t know himself, but finding something always brings great joy.
Chaim van Luit’s work has been the subject of various solo exhibitions at Meessen De Clercq (Brussels), tegenboschvanvreden (Amsterdam), P/////AKT (Amsterdam), Bonnefantenmuseum (Maastricht) and Workshop Gallery (Beirut). He has also participated group exhibitions such as the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (Antwerp) and the Palais Curtius (Liège) in Belgium, the German Rudolf-Scharpf-Galerie/Wilhelm-Hack-Museum (Ludwigshafen), in the Netherlands at the Centraal Museum (Utrecht), Garage (Rotterdam), Jan van Eyck Academie (Maastricht), and in France at the Nuits de la photographie as part of the Rencontres d’Arles (Arles).