< Exhibitions
Katinka Bock
Sep 13, 2014 - Oct 25, 2014

Invited to occupy the wunderkammer, Katinka BOCK (°1976) offers, with Radio, a cross reading of the whole building as she installs sculptures from the street to the backspace of the gallery. She uses usually vacant spaces to link up every room with an invisible thread (or ‘wave’, cfr the title of the exhibition).

The most improbable first; outside, with a sculpture positioned on the façade, like an object lost in the street and put down by a stranger on the edge of the window. The artwork, that escapes the exhibition hall as a usual showing place, is the bearer of a beautiful contrast: intimate in its withdrawn form, it is yet totally public since offered to everybody's eye.

Then, in the wunderkammer; the artist placed on the ground a sandstone sculpture on a trapezoid surface made of salt and Rhine sand. There is no way to come closer to, nor to turn around this clay sphere bended by a fall. The artwork plays on the minerality and the deepness of the land, on the notion of underground strength and fragmentation, of crushed bodies and scattered grains. Something virginal emanate from the installation, something silent that adjoins the plenitude of a Zen garden.

Finally, in the veranda in the back of the building, Bock suspended a long six-meters mobile, a scale made of a long metal rod with a ceramic object on it on one side, counterbalanced by three lemons on the other. Brilliantly playing with the complexity of that specific space (getting the building architecture into the work's body, allowing different points of view), the artist demonstrates the restless movement of the world, the physical laws that govern it, and its instability. Instability because the drying and shrinking of the lemons will alter the balance, exposing the ceramic to the risk of sliding and breaking on the ground. The citrus fruits are to be changed regularly in order to keep balance and avoid catastrophe. Katinka Bock's work is characterized by the connection of certain materials with others, of certain spaces with others. She transforms a space in a place to the extent that it is filled with energy, with waiting, with a silenced sound. Like a radio.