< Exhibitions
Journey to the center of the earth
Andrea Fogli
Sep 19, 2008 - Oct 25, 2008

Shown for the first time, the two series of works on paper presented by Andrea Fogli under the title Journey to the centre of the earth can be interpreted as a diary tinged with gentle melancholy.

Working from old postcards that he paints in tempera (a technique used by Italian artists before the generalization of oil painting in the 15th century), Andrea Fogli highlights the subjectivity of dreams. Using the composition of the postcard as a basis, he paints while allowing himself to be carried away by his mood and his state of mind. The recurring themes appeal to the myth of the lonely poet, alone with nature and its mystery. One can thus see exceptional natural phenomena (volcanoes and craters, caves and waterfalls,...) or places built by man but which take on a metaphysical, even fairy-like character.

Andrea Fogli's world is a secret world animated by illuminations and fireworks. He takes us on a journey to observe these mysteries through the magnifying lens of his inspiration. The Romantic artists of the 19th century are obviously evoked as well as certain Symbolist artists, but Fogli is well anchored in his time by his plural research (drawing, painting, sculpture, installation, video). The use of small format works calls for the proximity of the viewer and this is a very nice way to establish a dialogue. The two series are hung according to a "chronology of execution", i.e. they are shown in the order of their creation. It is thus almost possible to trace the mood and melancholy that animated the artist when he painted each work.